Customers’ Online Feedback: What to look for

Over at Entrepreneur Online, social media consultant Mikal Belicove offers some reasons why businesses need to pay to attention to customer feedback. Belicove’s tips are based on research conducted by Bazaarvoice, a Texas-based company best known for its ratings and software reviews.

Nobody can deny the importance of monitoring customer feedback. It is absolutely critical. So what do you look for when you are reviewing online comments for your business? Here are few questions that you need to answer as you look at the feedback:

  • Where are you under-performing in the eyes of customers? 

  • What issues need to be addressed in your product, service or with your staff?

  • Do customers consistently mention a particular attribute of your business as very important?

Your goal should be to understand the aspects of your customers’ experience that drives satisfaction and ensure that you consistently deliver on those items. Take those aspects where you excel and include them in your communications with customers to reinforce your commitment to satisfying the items that they deem important. Together, these simple steps can help you build a loyal customer base.